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首頁>職業(yè)教育 >北京戲曲藝術職業(yè)學院






院校介紹      北京戲曲藝術職業(yè)學院是經(jīng)北京市人民政府批準、教育部備案的全日制普通高等學校,是北京市唯一一所公辦藝術類高等職業(yè)學院。學院的前身是創(chuàng)建于 1952年的北京市私立藝培戲曲學校,1953年由北京市政府接管,更名為北京市戲曲學校。著名表演藝術家郝壽臣、馬連良、孫毓敏等曾任學校校長。2002年12月,學院成立,正式舉辦全日制高等職業(yè)教育,2006年北京市藝術研究所與學院合并,充實了學院的教學、科研力量。        60年來,幾代藝術家辛勤耕耘,為學院藝術教育事業(yè)的發(fā)展打下了良好的基礎。學校從單一的戲曲專業(yè)發(fā)展到京劇、地方戲曲、音樂、舞蹈、藝術設計、影視表演等多個專業(yè),從單一的戲曲學校發(fā)展到綜合性的藝術院校,培養(yǎng)了7000余名藝術人才,畢業(yè)生中有20人榮獲全國戲劇表演最高獎“梅花獎”。        學院現(xiàn)擁有一支實力雄厚,教學經(jīng)驗豐富,老中青相結合的“雙師素質(zhì)”教師隊伍?,F(xiàn)有在編在崗職工330人,專任教師271人,其中副高以上職稱專家47人。有北京市名師5人,北京市優(yōu)秀青年骨干教師17人,北京市專業(yè)帶頭人1人。同時,學院長期聘請業(yè)界著名表演藝術家、學者和優(yōu)秀演員作為特聘教授來校任教。        學院在發(fā)展的歷程中逐漸形成了獨特的教育理念。堅持以就業(yè)為導向,以素質(zhì)教育為基礎,以職業(yè)能力培養(yǎng)為核心,以藝術實踐推動教學建設。堅持教書育人、公共培訓、藝術生產(chǎn)與實踐、理論研究,辦學特色鮮明,教學成果顯著,被譽為培養(yǎng)藝術人才的搖籃。學院多次被評選為“首都文明單位”、“北京市職業(yè)教育先進單位”。2008年1月,學院在“高職高專人才培養(yǎng)工作水平評估”中被北京市教育委員會評為“優(yōu)秀”。2011年12月,學院被北京市教育委員會評為“北京市示范性高等職業(yè)院?!?。 College Profile        Beijing Opera Arts College is a full-time regular college approved by the People's Government of Beijing Municipality, registered in the Ministry of Education, and the unique public art vocational college that established in Beijing.The college's predecessor was Beijing private arts training opera school founded in 1952, taken over in 1953 by Government of Beijing Municipality, renamed Beijing Opera Arts School. Famous performing artists Hao Shouchen, Ma Lianliang and Sun Yumin had been the principal.In December 2002, the College was established and formally organized full-time high vocational education, in 2006 annexed with Beijing Institute of Arts which has enriched the college's teaching and scientific research.        In recent 60 years, hard work of several generations of artists has laid a good foundation for the development of academic art education. The school has developed  from a single opera profession to a number of professions such as peking opera, local drama,music, dance, art design, perform art, etc. also it has developed from a single drama school to a comprehensive arts college. It has trained nearly 6,000 arts professionals.Twenty of them have won the national drama prize,“Plum Blossom Award”.        The College has the most excellent, experienced, and trusted instructors team in Beijing. The instructors team is combined by young and experienced teachers who is called “teacher and actor”.  So far we have 195 instructors in this school. It consist of 50 Associate Professor or Professor expert teachers, 4 famous instructors of Beijing and 17 young senior instructors, a professional leaders in Beijing. Meanwhile, the president of the school always open job for artists, actors and scholars who have had special cultural abilities teaching in school as well.        The College insists on taking service as the purpose and taking employment as the guidance. With distinctive education feature and outstanding teaching achievement, out institute has been known as the cradle to cultivate artistic talents. In recent years, the college has been awarded“model of the capital civilization Unit”and“Beijing advanced occupation unit of education”.In January 2008, the college was selected to be the excellent one in the Advanced training colleges talents cultivation assessment” by Beijing Education Committee. In the December of 2011, the college was identified as “Beijing exemplary advanced training college” by Beijing Education Committee.【詳情】




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